Category: Event

  • Asian University for Women (AUW) 2019 Academy Award Winning Best Short Documentary

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    Asian University for Women (AUW) 2019 Academy Award Winning Best Short Documentary

    WITJが支援するAsian University for Women (AUW)が、アカデミー賞受賞作品のプロデューサーを招いて、トークイベントを1/29に開催します。 Asian University for Women (AUW) is inviting you to a Private Screening & Conversation with Guneet Monga, the Producer of “Period. End of Sentence,” 2019 Academy Award Winning Best Short Documentary!

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  • Harvard Business School Club of Japan

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    Harvard Business School Club of Japan

    One of WITJ mentors wants to encourage Japanese women to apply for HBS. Here is the event to make a connection and explore the golden opportunity !! ======== Harvard Business School Club of Japan we ask female MBA holders (including HBS) why they applied to MBA, many of them often say that someone personally encouraged…

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  • Annie Chang will be a part of the judging panel for this year’s GLOMOs

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    Annie Chang will be a part of the judging panel for this year’s GLOMOs

    Annie Chang will be a part of the judging panel for this year’s GLOMOs, the most prestigious mobile awards on the calendar and now in its 25th year.As a judge, she wants to make sure that the best and most deserving entries are shortlisted, and so she is making sure you’re aware of the award…

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  • Women in Tech Celebration, Google Japan

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    Women in Tech Celebration, Google Japan

    Google Japan is organizing an event to bring Women in Tech in Tokyo together, celebrate their accomplishments and foster a sense of community on Tuesday, October 29th. If you’re interested in joining the event, please visit the event website and apply! This event will be held in English.

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  • Report – Machine Learning and Creativity

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    Report – Machine Learning and Creativity

    Thank you to Temple university and Waseda A.I lab’s collaboration , last night’s Machine Learning presented by David was informative and educational.Although I was struggling with some technical terms still I felt entertained and not a single moment get bored with it.My take away is : Human’s creativity combine with machine’s learning power can only…

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  • Machine Learning and Creativity

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    Machine Learning and Creativity

    Women in Technology Japan (WITJ)and Waseda AI Lab are proud to invite David Ha to talk about Machine Learning and Creativity. David is currently a Research Scientist at Google Brain and also an author of many publications on Machine Learning. Since this event is co-hosted by Waseda AI Lab, attendees may be mostly students, but…

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  • Report – Can I have it all?

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    Report – Can I have it all?

    Dr. Christina Siegel M.D. will share her amazing story about how she balances her work and life with 9 children! The event is free, open to anyone who would be interested. Dr. Christina’s presentation was huge success , she shares her secret how can she raises 9 children from age 15 to 7 months and…

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  • IoT: New Development and Women’s Participation

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    IoT: New Development and Women’s Participation

    Big thank you to all the participants who joined us on 21st June. Our talk event “IoT: New Development and Women’s Participation” by Marc Einstein and hosted by Women in Technology Japan ended with very positive impact and all participants are inspired. We are so proud to invite Marc Einstein again as our presenter to…

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  • 【Free Workshop】The promise and the opportunities of the VR/AR industry

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    【Free Workshop】The promise and the opportunities of the VR/AR industry

    Women in Technology Japan (WITJ) is inviting Meri Rosich and Sergio Salvador as our guest speakers to talk about “the promise and the opportunities of the VR/AR industry.” Virtual reality and, by extension augmented reality, are artificial, software-created environments presented to users in immersive ways so they are accepted as real. By stimulating the senses of sight and sound –and sometimes touch– we can interact with a virtual environments in…

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  • 【Free Workshop】Achieving Your ‘Dream’ Career-Workshop by WITJ x SudaManterfield

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    【Free Workshop】Achieving Your ‘Dream’ Career-Workshop by WITJ x SudaManterfield

    ◆Women in Technology Japan (WITJ)is collaborating with SudaManterfield to provide a workshop on the skills which will help achieve your ‘dream’ career. Women currently make up only 11% of management in the workforce in Japan. There are many challenges faced by women in realizing their maximum potential in their careers. This workshop led by Andrew…

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  • Workshop: Are women over-mentored and under-sponsored? -How to get ahead in your career –

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    Workshop: Are women over-mentored and under-sponsored? -How to get ahead in your career –

    【12/1 ワークショップのご案内・事前申込(無料)】Women in Technology Japan (WITJとJ-Global Instituteが共同で、キャリアでの成功を加速するスキルを手に入れるためのワークショップを開催します。50席限定となりますが既に半数のお申込みを頂いておりますので、早めにお申込みください。 Women in Technology Japan (WITJ)is collaborating with J-Global Institute to provide a workshop on the skills which will help accelerate your career. 現在、日本の管理職における女性の割合はわずか10%であり、女性にとって昇進や昇給は継続的な課題となっています。今回のワークショップでは、職場の規模に関わらずキャリアで成功する人の習慣や日本と世界の文化的背景の違いについて話し合います。また、キャリアゴールの設定、交渉の仕方、自分を支援してくれるスポンサーを発掘するスキル、同僚同士でのコーチング、面接のシミュレーションなど、短時間でのアクティビティも予定しています。Jon Lynchを講師として招き、 女性がキャリアを前進するため、身につけるべく習慣について、追及します。*セッションは日本語、英語の2ヶ国語にて行われます。*ご来場の際はお名刺を一枚ご用意ください。 Women currently make up only 10% of management in the workforce in Japan and gaining promotions and increasing salary is an ongoing challenge…

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  • IoT & Beyond:The Future of IT Towards 2020 & Women’s Participation – Goldman Sachs

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    IoT & Beyond:The Future of IT Towards 2020 & Women’s Participation – Goldman Sachs

    Thank you very much to each and every participant for taking time out to join us in our session on “IoT & Beyond:The Future of IT Towards 2020 & Women’s Participation” ! We hope each of you has learned something substantial through the presentation by our key-speaker Marc Einstein, which not only covered an in-depth…

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  • Disability & IT

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    Disability & IT

    Inspiring by the three speakers from GSK, Microsoft and Google and the networking dinner was full of joy and laughing !! thank you for joining us.3名の素晴らしいスピーカーをお迎えし、無事に「Disability & IT」を開催することができました。障がいを持ちながらキャリアを築いてこられた方達のライフストーリーを共有して頂き、ダイバーシティを進める上で企業やテクノロジーが果たす役割や各社の取り組みについてお話を伺いました。笑いと感動が絶えないスピーチの後は参加者の方達からの質問を通じてさらに一歩踏み込んだ対話が出来たかと思います。社内のバリアフリー化、身体的・精神的な異なる症状に合わせたプログラムの導入、ITを学び資格取得をすることで就職できるよう積極的な支援を行っている企業もありますが全体としてはまだまだ少ないので、これからもっと増えて欲しいですね。そのためにも、私達一人一人が心の中のボーダーラインを取り払い、良い意味で特別視をせずに同じ仲間として迎え、誰に対しても持つべき小さな心遣い(ドア開ける、など)を忘れない事が大切なのではないかと思います。 努力を惜しまず人の何倍も頑張り、活躍されているみなさんの姿に感動し深く考えさせられた、と参加者の方たちから喜びの声も届きまして、夜の懇親会も大盛り上がりでした!WITJ一同、心より御礼申し上げます。 Facebook page:

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  • ICA Japan Panel Discussion – High Achieving Women Balancing Work and Lifestyle

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    ICA Japan Panel Discussion – High Achieving Women Balancing Work and Lifestyle

    ICA Japan is inviting ICA members and non-members to participate in a panel featuring four professional women in the fields of IT and consulting. The panelists will address the obstacles and opportunities faced by women who pursue a professional career. It will examine the emerging issues and enormous changes that are evolving at the work…

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  • IT×女子 Women in Technology Japan × Presence共催

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    IT×女子 Women in Technology Japan × Presence共催

    8月3日:Presence x WITJ合同イベント「IT×女子 ロールモデルから学ぶ!IT業界ってどんなおシゴト?」に参加させて頂きました。 「ITってどんな業界だろう?」「自分の人生ややりたいことをもっと考えてみたい!女性社会人に話をきいてみたい!」・・・という大学生のみなさんとプログラムを通じてIT業界のこと、女性としての働き方、これから求められる技術・人材など、様々なテーマについてお話させて頂きました。 プログラムの最後で参加者のみなさんに1年後、3年後、5年後のなりたい自分をまとめて発表して頂いたのですが、目標を据えて自身の意見をしっかりと持っているみなさんの輝く姿に感動致しました。 私達自身がとても勉強になる素晴らしいイベントを準備して下さったPresenceのみなさん、ありがとうございました。 ■プログラム①IT業界研究-過去、現在、そして未来-IT業界について、仕事内容、やりがい②ロールモデルの話を聞こう! -色とりどりの人生-ゲストより、それぞれのキャリア/ライフについてのトークオープンディスカッション③自分のライフデザインをしてみよう! -ライフデザインワーク- Facebook page:

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