Sponsorship and Collaboration

Are you a company/organization/individual who shares the same passion and looking to support our mission? We would love to hear from you! If you are interested in collaborating with us or sponsoring our events, please fill in the contact form at the bottom or directly mail us the proposal at info@womenintech.jp.

Let’s recognize women’s enormous contribution to Japanese society. Also, let’s ensure their hard work receives the right opportunity and recognition they deserve.

WITJとのコラボレーションやイベントのスポンサーの開催にご興味のある方は、下記のお問い合わせフォームにご記入いただくか、info@womenintech.jp まで直接ご連絡ください。



By sponsoring us, we mainly expect financial support from you for organizing events or workshops which includes event venue, snacks for the attendees, donations for our initiatives and activities, etc.

  • Sponsoring events and workshops to raise brand awareness and promote Diversity & Inclusion
  • Launching your company’s product or technology with our community members
  • Donations for our initiatives or activities


  • イベントやワークショップのスポンサー
  • 貴社のプロダクトやテクノロジーのローンチ
  • 当団体の活動への寄付


By collaborating together, we mainly expect you to provide support in terms of volunteers, speakers, and resources to make events or workshops effective and meaningful for our members attending them.

  • Co-hosting events together
  • Supporting us with mentors or advisors
  • Launching some workshop or activity together


  • イベントの共同企画・開催
  • メンターやアドバイザーの選定&提供
  • ワークショップやその他の活動の共同開催

Contact form


Sponsored by

WITJ Sponsor, AC Global Solutions
TokyoDev Inc. has been sponsoring us since 2023