Our Mission




Our mission is to close the gender gap in tech and promote diversity and inclusion in Japan. We inspire, connect and empower women across all industries with a special focus on the tech industry. As the first-ever volunteer organization to focus on such a mission in Japan, we have been hosting events, and organizing workshops to raise awareness and foster this change to achieve our mission. Providing the right networking and building a strong community, we at WITJ offer a broad range of support and resources to advance women from the classroom to the boardroom.


Our three main pillars of achieving our mission include:

♦ Inspire

♦ Connect

♦ Empower

In simple words, building these three values start right from when people join us and become a member of WITJ. Through events and workshops, we connect our diverse members to INSPIRE change and support them to shine in their respective fields. By joining our various community events, they CONNECT with so many inspiring women leaders in tech and other fields to build a strong network of mentors around them. This leads to empowering our members and then, they set out on their journey to become role models to EMPOWER our young future leaders.

WITJが大切にしている3つの価値観 Inspire・Connect・Empowerの構築は、みなさまがコミュニティーのメンバーになった時から始まります。イベントやワークショップを通じて多様なメンバーがつながり、変化を促し、それぞれの分野で輝けるように我々がInspireします。そして、みなさまがイベントに参加することで、技術分野やその他の分野で活躍する多くの刺激的な女性リーダーとConnectし、自分の周りとの関係を構築することを目的としています。このコミュニティーメンバー同士の強いつながりによってみなさまが結束力を高め、未来のリーダーたちをEmpowerするロールモデルとなることを祈っています。