Year: 2019
Harvard Business School Club of Japan
One of WITJ mentors wants to encourage Japanese women to apply for HBS. Here is the event to make a connection and explore the golden opportunity !! ======== Harvard Business School Club of Japan we ask female MBA holders (including HBS) why they applied to MBA, many of them often say that someone personally encouraged…
Annie Chang will be a part of the judging panel for this year’s GLOMOs
Annie Chang will be a part of the judging panel for this year’s GLOMOs, the most prestigious mobile awards on the calendar and now in its 25th year.As a judge, she wants to make sure that the best and most deserving entries are shortlisted, and so she is making sure you’re aware of the award…
Women in Tech Celebration, Google Japan
Google Japan is organizing an event to bring Women in Tech in Tokyo together, celebrate their accomplishments and foster a sense of community on Tuesday, October 29th. If you’re interested in joining the event, please visit the event website and apply! This event will be held in English.
Women’s forum Asia 2019
Women’s forum Asia 2019 opened by President of the Republic of Singapore . First day is focus on breaking berries to inclusion. Do you know Women work at APAC countries is 62% versus 78.9% for Men, and Women in leadership ( 12.8% ) is the lowest compare to Europe and America. Gender equality in APAC…
Report – Machine Learning and Creativity
Thank you to Temple university and Waseda A.I lab’s collaboration , last night’s Machine Learning presented by David was informative and educational.Although I was struggling with some technical terms still I felt entertained and not a single moment get bored with it.My take away is : Human’s creativity combine with machine’s learning power can only…
Machine Learning and Creativity
Women in Technology Japan (WITJ)and Waseda AI Lab are proud to invite David Ha to talk about Machine Learning and Creativity. David is currently a Research Scientist at Google Brain and also an author of many publications on Machine Learning. Since this event is co-hosted by Waseda AI Lab, attendees may be mostly students, but…
R.I.P. – Ms. Haruno Yoshida
R.I.P. – Ms. Haruno Yoshida (吉田晴乃氏) 2014年のWITJのイベントにご登壇頂き、多くの女性達に素晴らしい影響を与えて下さいました。これまでのご功労に敬意を表しますとともに、ご生前のお姿を偲び、心よりご冥福をお祈りいたします。 Lost a great leader, a mother and a friend !!Our heart goes out to the family , friends and everyone who inspired by her. ( photo taken in 2018 ) WITJ一同———————————————-経団連で初めての女性役員を務め、女性の活躍に向けた活動を積極的に行っていた吉田晴乃氏が心不全のため亡くなりました。55歳でした。 吉田氏は、イギリスの大手通信会社 ブリティッシュテレコムの日本法人「BTジャパン」で社長を務め、平成27年6月、経団連会長の諮問機関「審議員会」の副議長に起用されました。 経団連の女性役員は初めてで、「女性の活躍推進委員長」として、企業の女性役員の育成のほか外国の女性経営者や政治家との交流に取り組みました。 去年8月に経団連の役員を退任したあとも、G20=主要20か国の首脳に女性活躍に向けた提言を行う団体「W20」の共同代表として、ことし3月、女性の労働参加の促進や男女の教育格差の解消を共同声明にまとめるなど、積極的に活動していました。
Report – Can I have it all?
Dr. Christina Siegel M.D. will share her amazing story about how she balances her work and life with 9 children! The event is free, open to anyone who would be interested. Dr. Christina’s presentation was huge success , she shares her secret how can she raises 9 children from age 15 to 7 months and…