Annie Chang
Founder / President
Considered a pioneer of IT recruitment in Japan and a strong supporter of gender diversity in the workplace. She is the Founder of WITJ and also the CEO of AC Global Solutions. She is passionate about connecting female professionals, helping women grow and shine professionally, and increasing the proportion of women in the workforce and leadership roles within companies.
IT業界に特化した人材紹介業の日本におけるパイオニア。職場における性別の多様化を強く支援している。WITJの創始者であり、AC Global Solutions の代表取締役社長でもある。女性のビジネスパーソン同士を結びつけ、プロフェッショナルとして成長し、輝き、リーダーとして活躍する社会の実現を推し進めている。
Maaya Sato
Marketing / PR Manager
Maaya is a bilingual content creation specialist/writer. Supporting Women in Technology Japan’s PR / Marketing activities to raise awareness of the importance of diversity and inclusion in the tech industry. She is also involved in the accelerator program to help Japanese startups expand overseas.
バイリンガルコンテンツクリエイター兼ライター。Women in Technology JapanのPR/マーケティング活動をサポートし、テック業界におけるダイバーシティとインクルージョンの重要性を啓発している。また、日本のスタートアップの海外進出を支援するアクセラレータープログラムの運営にも携わっている。
Cali Matsunaga
Data Analyst / Web Manager
Co-founder of KK Catalyzer Think Tank to transform the world for our better life. Encountering the low female leadership and participation of women in the STEM field while an electronics student, I share the same belief with WITJ. I joined WITJ to tackle the wicked problem with them.
Wicked Problemに取り組む株式会社Catalyzer Think Tankの共同創業者。電子工学を専攻中、STEM分野の女性の参加の低さやリーダーシップ発揮の機会の低さにショックを受を受けたことから、WITJのミッションに共感し、このようなジェンダーギャップやD&Iなどの答えのない問題に取り組むため、起業や理系のバックグラウンドを活かしWITJをサポート中。
Tuba Ali
Technology & Strategy Consultant
Product manager at Rakuten with previous experience at Fast Retailing, I have 5 years of expertise in the technology sector. Integrating technology into diverse businesses to add value to people’s lives is my motivation. My purpose in joining WITJ is to empower women with knowledge and tools in the field of technology.
Nana Kawaguchi
Partnership Manager
After graduating with a degree in Information Technology, she worked for tech companies such as Apple and Adobe for over a decade. She is good at digital marketing and currently works for a SaaS company from the US. Supporting Women in Technology Japan’s partnership activities to empower women who work in the tech industry or want to work in the future.
大学で情報科学の学位を取得後、Apple、AdobeなどのIT企業にて10年以上勤務。デジタルマーケティング領域の知見に明るく、現在はアメリカに在住し、SaaS系企業にて勤務中。IT業界で働く女性もしくは興味のある女性に対して、何かしらの形で支援ができないかと思い、Women in Technology Japanのパートナーシップ活動をサポートしている。
Kaori Rei
Event Design
Product designer for US startups. Passionate about helping startups and interviewing technology professionals.
At WITJ, she is excited to support women’s vibrant ways of working both at real events and in articles.
Her interview project articles are popular with over 30,000 people on LinkedIn, and he has published an e-book of the same name.
米国スタートアップのプロダクトデザイナー。起業支援とテクノロジーで働く人々へのインタビューに情熱を注ぐ。WITJ ではリアルイベントでも記事でも女性の生き生きした働き方の応援することにワクワクしている。インタビュー企画記事はLinkedInで3万人以上が閲覧する人気で、同名の電子書籍も出版している。
WITJ Board Members
Xinmei Cai, WITJ Senior Advisor
Engineering Director, Google Maps / Local. With a BA degree from Middlebury College and MS in Software Engineering at Carnegie Mellon University, Xinmei joined Google Mountain View in 2004 after working as a software engineer in Microsoft and subsequently a Silicon Valley startup for 4+ years.
Google マップ / ローカル、エンジニアリング ディレクター。ミドルベリー大学で学士号、カーネギーメロン大学でソフトウェアエンジニアリングの修士号を取得。マイクロソフト、その後シリコンバレーの新興企業で4年以上ソフトウェアエンジニアとして働いた後、2004年にGoogleマウンテンビューに入社。
Rutsuko Yoshida (吉田留津子), WITJ Mentor
Former optical transmission equipment development engineer at a Japanese electrical equipment manufacturer, left after two miscarriages. Switched to a foreign IT company after a three-year hiatus, and left again to focus on raising her child. Had returned to workforce at Cisco, and now she start preparing to become a consultant focused on transforming organizations into autonomous entities that promote employee value, growth, and happiness.
Yumiko Inoue (井上由美子), WITJ Mentor
Yumiko worked at Mitsubishi Corporation until she left the company to study at a college. She then worked as a system engineer responsible for government, telecom, and educational institutions at IBM Japan. During her husband’s assignment in Europe, she studied for a post-graduate degree and AI / cognitive science. After returning to Japan, she worked as a project manager, project governance and HR manager in foreign financial institutions. She is currently a leadership coach.
Miho Aoki (青木美保), WITJ Mentor
Associate Professor, Showa Women’s University, Board Member of Hitachi Transportation System Ltd & Toshiba Tec Corporation. She also serves as a Business Advisory Board member for the US – Japan Council.
US – Japan CouncilのBusiness Advisory Board Memberとして、また昭和女子大学グローバルビジネス学部ゲスト講師と大学公認 メンターとして100人以上の学生・社会人に外資系企業キャリア、転職、高齢出産、ワークライフバランス、バリキャリ・ワーママとなるための具体策、MBAを含む留学・海外勤務等に関するアドバイス・メンターリングを行っている。2016年よりWITJメンバーにキャリア・アドバイス、メンタリングの提供を開始。
Makiko Clapper(クラッパー眞規子), WITJ Mentor
After graduating with a Computer Science degree, worked in Silicon Valley as a senior engineer for 7 years. Subsequently, served as IT Vice President at a financial institution in Boston for 10 years. In 2004, relocated to Japan and worked as the Head of the Technology Department in few foreign financial institutions. In January of 2019, established a company LA STEEM LLC offering business &IT consulting services, seminars on career design, and career coaching.
コンピュータサイエンス学部卒業後、シニアエンジニアとしてシリコンバレーで7年勤務後、ボストンの金融機関にてIT部門ヴァイス・プレジデントとして10年間勤務。2004年に活動拠点を日本に移し、外資系金融機関数社にてテクノロジー部門部長として勤務。2018年に独立。2019年1月、LA STEEM合同会社を設立。ビジネス、ITコンサルティング・サービス, キャリアデザイン・セミナー、キャリアコーチング等を行っている。
Kristina Janjetic, WITJ Mentor
Originally from Australia and came to Japan motivated by unique cultural perspectives and experiences. After graduating with a degree in International Relations at ICU (International Christian University) in Japan, joined a Fujitsu group company in a SE role. Extensive business development experience in market entry, direct sales and channel business. Currently working for a global consulting firm. Past experience includes starting the Japan office for a US software firm.